My Top Tips for Looking and Feeling Your Best During the Holidays

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This time of year is always when stress levels rise and the amount of time you invest in yourself plummets. But not this year, ladies. After a crazy 2020, it’s time to practice a little self-love. So I’m sharing 5 simple tips to help you look and feel your best during this holiday season.

1| Treat Your Skin

Gosh, winter can be so rough on the skin, especially if you live in a cold climate. But with my four must-dos, your complexion will glow year-round. I always make sure to moisturize, wear sunscreen, exfoliate and stay hydrated. I combine the first two steps by using a moisturizer with SPF...and it’s even tinted to provide a little coverage for when I don’t want to wear make up. Win-win! Plus, I always keep a water bottle close by to make sure I’m hydrated. Finally, use a gentle exfoliator to scrub away those dead skin cells that always appear in the winter months. With these simple suggestions you’ll protect your skin and look gorgeous!

2| Indulge...But Not Too Much

This next tip is about looking AND feeling good. Enjoying the special food and drinks that come around this time of year is great—I mean, I’ve never met a Christmas cookie I didn’t like. But balancing your intake of sweets with healthy meals that provide you the energy you need to power through this season is key. Before holiday get-togethers consider filling up on a healthy breakfast or lunch so you’ll be less tempted to mindlessly snack on party finger foods. But by all means, be sure to enjoy that glass of eggnog—you deserve it!

3| Make Time for Self-Care

This time of year is SO busy. Between the gift buying, party planning (well, maybe not this year), and decorating, there’s no time left for self-care. But I’m here to argue that you should put self-care at the very top of your to-do list because without it, you just can’t feel your best. Exercise, a spa day, spending quiet time at home with your family—whatever self-care looks like for you, be sure to carve out some time for it.

4| Keep Your Stress In Check

I know, I know, easier said than done. But if you’re constantly stressing about the holiday hustle, you won’t enjoy any of it! I find that planning ahead is what helps me the most. I make a list of what absolutely needs to get done each day, and trust that anything else can wait. I also try to get plenty of rest. Whether that means going to bed a little earlier or taking a break from work to get some fresh air, I set aside designated time to recharge in my daily schedule. And most importantly, remember that the holidays only come once a year and will be over before we know it, so try to set your expectations of perfection aside and enjoy it!

5| Give Yourself the Ultimate Gift of Self-Love: A Boudoir Session!

When all of this holiday stress is over, how would you like to enjoy a day during which you have your hair and make up professionally done, get to wear some of the most gorgeous lingerie, and spend the entire day being the center of attention? Sounds amazing, right?! Gift yourself a luxury boudoir experience this holiday season so that you have something to look forward to in the new year. This is the perfect way to ensure you’ll look and feel great all year long.

Ready to give yourself a gift? Get in touch to schedule a consult.

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