My Top Holiday Tip: Be Thankful For Your Body

This time of year, more than ever, we spend a lot of time reflecting on all the things we are thankful for: our friends, our families, our jobs, the homes we live in, and so much more. But one thing we should all be grateful for that rarely ever seems to make that list is our strong and beautiful bodies. So if there's one piece of advice I can give you, it's to celebrate your body, and here is why.

Your imperfections are beautiful

Too often do we scrutinize our bodies and overlook how perfect our perceived imperfections actually are. Your stretch marks are proof of growth and change. Your postpartum body is a beautiful reminder that it was capable of creating life. Your scars show off how strong and resilient you are. And your wrinkles are nothing less than years of laughter and memories.

Your body has allowed you to achieve all of your ambitions

Everything you have accomplished in life is because your body has made it possible to achieve it. Whether it be running a marathon, landing a job, starting a family, overcoming a hardship, or simply getting out of bed every morning, it is your body that makes it all possible. Something that you should celebrate and be thankful for each and every day.

Your body has and always will be there for you

Through everything that you have been through and all the things to come, your body has been and will be your biggest support system. It is stronger and more resilient than you give yourself credit for. It keeps you healthy, heals and repairs you, changes with you, and keeps up with you when your life moves a million miles per hour. So be sure to take a second to give thanks for all that it does for you.

Your body gives you life. It makes it possible for you to achieve every ambition you have. It tells your story. And a boudoir photoshoot can help beautifully illustrate it. If you are ready to give thanks to your body and tell its beautiful story through boudoir, contact me today!

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