Is Maternity Boudoir A Thing?

At least once a month I get an inquiry from a client wanting to do a boudoir session but not sure if maternity boudoir is even a thing. Im here to tell you IT IS A THING AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL!

When I was pregnant I never felt more comfortable in my body. It was amazing to not have to worry about my stomach area. As women we are always concerned about our appearance and our midsection is one of the most concerning (I WISH THIS WAS NOT THE CASE!! AND I HATE THAT IT IS! and I could go on for days about how it should not be and women are not meant to be hard. We are meant to be soft and round….but I will leave that alone for now) so when you are growing a baby in your stomach suddenly it is ok and great to have a big belly. So, for me being pregnant was amazing and I loved how I looked and felt.

Women are just super sexy when pregnant. How did that baby get there? hello! Yes, super sexy.

So yes, maternity boudoir is a thing and it is super sexy, fun and something every pregnant woman should do!

pregnancy pictures blond pregnant woman lounging on a green couch
maternity boudoir
black and white boudoir
tattooed boudoir pregnant

Patricia Cannon