The best way to get women to embrace their power is seeing other women do it. I ask all my clients if I can share their images. Some say yes some say no and some say something in the middle, like, "sure, but only the anonymous ones" and I respect the wishes of all my clients. I know that some cannot share due to their jobs or for other reasons and that is TOTALLY FINE!! I would never breach someone's trust and post pictures that I did not have permission to post. Some women are only ok with me sharing in the private facebook group...speaking of you should join!! If you are female and want to learn more about boudoir and want to be connected with a bunch of body positive amazing women join us!!

I have known A for quite some time. She and my wife work together and I first met her at a pride parade that their company was going to be in (St Pete Pride Parade) She and I hit it off right away. She has the same dry humor as I do we also laugh at inappropriate stuff pretty consistently. So, yeah, fast friends. 

When she asked me to do her boudoir for her 40th I thought it might be awkward, I was wrong we had just as much fun as we do having lunch except maybe more. And I love that she is totally ok with me sharing her images. 

Q. What is your occupation? 

A. Life insurance strategy

Q. Why did you do a boudoir session?

A. Because I had just turned 40 and I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. I'm not as skinny as when I was a teenager but I have more muscle and confidence now than ever.

Q. Did you enjoy the experience? 

A. Yes, it was fun and empowering!

Q. What was your favorite part? 

A. Seeing the pictures afterward. THAT'S ME? SERIOUSLY??!!

Q. What would you say to someone who wants to do it but is scared? 

A. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Patty will put you at ease, and you can be as slutty or demure as you want to be.
